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I think it's important that you know who you are dealing with when it comes to the photographer in charge of capturing important moments. Here's a quick rundown about me.

For twenty years I lived a half-mile from Lake Michigan in Holland. Currently, I reside in Holly, MI with my daughter, Arlo. In 2021, my husband, Evan, of almost 7 years unexpectedly passed away. Three months later, I gave birth to our first child. It's been a wild ride navigating widowhood and motherhood, but The Lord has been so near to me. Despite the heartache and grief that I must combat on a daily basis, there has also been supernatural provision, rich friendships, a grace in my step, countless opportunities to share the gospel and a increase in desire to trust Jesus with everything.

I've felt carried and personally seen by God, the church and by my people in every sense of the word. 


I'm a sucker for a good sunset, a game of Catan, a pop-goes-punk cover, or listening to a thunderstorm pass through. I love Jesus, puns, The Mentalist, sleeping with two pillows, the smell of a freshly mowed lawn, and harmonizing to any song. I've never been a city person. Give me some woods, a body of water, and a warm breeze- I'm set! Cheese is my love language. One of the best feelings in the world is when you can hardly breathe because you're laughing so hard; I thrive around people who feed off of that kind of joy.  I love creating a vision for a space or project and getting it done. I've also discovered that I have a hard time when people don't match my excitement for something, so it really blesses me when everyone involved in an activity is all in and pumped about it!


I am a graduate from Saginaw Valley State University where I earned my Bachelors degree in communications with a minor in art. Though I didn't go to school specifically for photography, I'll argue that I'm still using my degree to communicate stories through the art of taking photos! 


Whether I'm behind the camera or not, there like a 90% chance that I'll cry at a wedding. Call me a sap. Or, call me empathetic. I totally embrace it and see it as a strength and gift to feel that deeply. Seeing the way a groom stares at his bride, or a father welling up as he turns around to see his daughter for the first time in her gown. Maybe it's the bride opening a sweet letter from her soon-to-be-hubby, or a special surprise dance at the reception- it gets me every time. I am all about the moments that make you feel something so pure, lovely and inexplainable. You don't want to step out of it. I tell you what, as a wedding photographer, I am always so humbled and honored that I get to have a front row seat for all the moments, both the intimate and explicit.


Forever and always I will be a firm believer in God-ordained, biblical marriage. It's one of life's greatest gifts we've been given- to have the opportunity to become one with another and serve them with our whole hearts. I love what I do because I can preserve a moment forever; to have that ability is incredible. My goal is to capture authentic images that tell a story; taking you back to an exact instant so you can experience all the beautiful feelings that came with it.



© 2024 Kendra Renee Photography
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